Rev. Brian Osborne
Brian has been the pastor of First Baptist Church since 2007. Following a successful career as a police officer with the White Pine Police Department, Brian surrendered to the call to preach in 2006. He was ordained into the Gospel ministry following his appointment as pastor. He holds a Bachelor of Religion degree from Liberty University of Lynchburg, VA. A Jefferson County native, Brian has a passion for reaching the White Pine community with the Gospel of Christ. He is optimistic about the future of FBC, and looks forward to many great days ahead with the FBC family. Brian is married to Mindy, and they have three children, Madyson, Bryson, and Jackson
contact Brian
Daniel Overton
Daniel Overton has been the Minister of Youth at First Baptist Church since March of 2011. His desire for the students of FBC is to see them grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and how they can apply His Word in practical ways to glorify Christ in all ways as they live out their lives.
contact Daniel
Norma Hardin
Norma Hardin serves as Ministry Assistant of FBC. She hasbeen with FBC since 2000. When she's not working hard at FBC, she can be found serving at her home church of Three Points Baptist Church in Mascot, TN. She is married to Rick, and they have a son and daughter-in-law, Rickey and Amanda.
contact Norma